Dear friends,
#GivingTuesday is a day set aside specifically for individuals and corporations to open their hearts and their wallets, giving back to their communities and the world at large. It’s fitting for this day to fall right after Thanksgiving. We hope you will join us November 28th for #GivingTuesday and help us fulfil our mission – to transform communities through the local church.
More than 70% of the population we work with is youth aged and under. Most of these youth are high school dropouts. They drop out due to lack of resources in their homes and the need for them to find manual work to help raise their siblings. In their desperation to make quick money and help their families, many of them find themselves drug trafficking and in drug use. Some join religious radical groups, others become beach boys and many girls opt for early marriages. In recent years, we have continued to reach these young people through the use of soccer, youth rallies and youth conferences.
Toward the end of last year, we had reached more than 500 youths and more than 100 so far have given their lives to Christ. We cannot help but celebrate lives that have been transformed. Just this week, a church pastor wanted to know how many youths we can take into our year-end program. He wants us to reach youths from a forest that is notorious for hiding a terror group and their sympathizers. For these youths to get to us, they need military escort, and the military has agreed to ferry them.
We are thankful for the partnership we continue to share with communities and government agencies as we work with churches to transform these youths. The opportunities to reach these young people are plenty and the challenge is before us. Will you partner with us by sending a year end gift to help transform these youths, restore them to their families and more importantly, give them the opportunity to know and walk with Jesus?
Our goal is to touch 500 youths in 2019. For this to happen, each one of the youth will need only $25 for that entire year. To reach the 500 targeted youths in 2019, we need $12,500. To us, this is a lot of money but we are thankful that to God, He owns it all.
Your gift will help give hope to young people who feel hopeless. Your gift will give these young people an option, instead of joining religious radical groups, getting involved in drug trafficking and use, or selling their bodies for money, they will have the option to develop themselves.
More than anything, you’re giving these young people the opportunity to call Jesus Christ Lord and Savior over their lives. We hope you will join up in supporting our efforts on November 28 by donating either online below or by sending your check to the address below.
For any questions about your giving, please email us at or call our Sowing Seeds of Joy offices ( at 501 416-3003.
Thank you, James and Chao Wanje
To send a check:
1. Write your check to Sowing Seeds of Joy, Inc
2. On the memo line, write James and Chao Wanje
3. Mail your check to: Sowing Seeds of Joy, Inc PO Box 181115 Arlington, Texas 76096-1115
Please write to us at to let us know when you send your check or donate online.