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About Us

We were both born and raised on the Coastal region of Kenya.  James grew up as a pastor’s kid.  At the age of 12, he made a decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ.  Chao grew up in a home where both her parents were teachers.  While she was in high school, Chao made the decision to become a follower of Jesus Christ.

We met in the State of Texas where we were both pursuing further education.  We were both attending the same church and were involved in the professional’s ministry.  James was also the worship leader at the church.  We got married two years after we met.  We have two children, Morris is 17 years old and is a senior in high school and Francis is 15 years old and is a sophomore in high school.

As we grew in our marriage and worked with our local church, we knew a time would come when we would return to Kenya to work with our people.  In 2005, we moved back to Kenya with the then Campus Crusade for Christ (now Cru) and for the next 10 years, we worked with the organization’s ministry strategy called FamilyLife, with the vision to see every home become a godly home.

As we worked with Campus Crusade under the FamilyLife umbrella, we continued to partner with our father, Reverend Morris Wanje, in the transformation of village communities through the local churches.  Reverend Morris Wanje was the first Baptist convert in the East African region.  He had worked tirelessly to evangelize communities and nations in the Eastern and Central African nations.  Through his work, thousands had come to make Jesus their Lord and Savior and he also started more than 60 churches.  While people had been evangelized, there was need for discipleship and also socio-economic transformation of these communities.

In 2015, about a year after Reverend Morris Wanje went to be with the Lord, we transitioned from Campus Crusade for Christ to continue with the legacy that Reverend Morris Wanje had started.  In addition to the transformation of families, our desire was to help transform local churches so that they could in turn help transform their own local communities.

Our aim is to not only see more people come to the Lord, more families transformed, more churches planted but to also see churches grow in numbers, leadership and discipleship and have these same churches reach their communities with this gospel of Jesus Christ. 

We are thankful for the educational exposure we have.  James earned his Masters’ degree in Leadership and Chao earned her doctorate in Biblical Counseling.