Our goal is to transform communities through the local church through …
Through Evangelism, Discipleship, and Training

We utilize different avenues and outreach tools to present the gospel and give opportunities for decisions for salvation. These include:
High School outreaches
Door-to-door evangelism
Sports outreaches
Food distribution
Youth camps
We’ve have trained evangelists that carry out the discipleship and training programs at the local churches.
Pastoral & Leadership Development
We are currently in partnership with a church to help the pastors and church leaders gain a basic understanding of the bible. Because many of these pastors and church leaders will not step into a seminary class, we bring theology to their communities. More than 45 pastors and church leaders are going through this training and we are beginning to see change in pulpit ministry, bible study hours and also in the way the pastors and church leaders are making decisions on their day to day lives.
Marriage Enrichment
One of our key targets for marriage enrichment are the pastors and their church leaders. When the leaders in the church are intentional about building their marriages, the churches are healthier and congregations are also encouraged to build their marriages. We especially work with couples to help them build teamwork in their marriages, learn healthy ways to resolve conflicts, be intentional about building marriages in different areas like in finances, and in building effective communication in their marriages.
Training Sunday School Teachers
There is a great harvest of children into the Kingdom of God. Children whose parents do not attend church are flooding the doors of churches. Some are looking for something to eat, they are looking for a place where they can just be kids and many are looking for hope amidst such hopelessness in their homes. In every event where children are gathered, we have more than 100 in attendance. This year alone, we have seen the salvation of more than 60 children and many are growing in their faith. We have trained 28 Sunday school teachers from 6 different churches in the region. Our goal is to train at least 50 Sunday school teachers in 10 different churches in the region by the end of 2018.
Youth Ministry Development
Many young people in this region are targets for religious radicalization. Several young people have gone missing from their homes with reports of them converting to radical groups in the hope of gaining quick money to help their families. Drug use and addiction have increased the number of high school drop outs. Prostitution and early marriages are also threatening the youth, with many hoping that this will help end poverty in their homes.
We offer soccer as an alternative to the harmful activities and idleness. The youths in the soccer teams do not only play soccer but they learn discipline, focus and character. We form the soccer teams through the local churches and every youth involved is expected to also participate in church activities. This program has brought youths from many religious backgrounds to a knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives.
Once a year, we hold youth conferences that attract more than 250 youths. These expose more young people to a relationship with Jesus Christ, and in the last two years, we have seen more than 100 young people come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior over their lives.
Socio-Economic Development
Water shortages and lack of clean water are a common challenge in this region. As a solution, we have given water filters to communities that have access to unclean water at river banks. This population shares the water with their animals, they bathe in the same water and draw this same water for drinking. As a result, sicknesses, especially amongst children and the elderly, are common. The use of the water filters in the communities has helped reduce such sicknesses. We also use the water filters to share the gospel of Jesus Christ; that He is able to heal, clean and restore.
This year, in partnership with a church, we dug our first Well in a church community.The church gates are now open for the community to come and draw clean water and as they do so, they get to hear about the Living Water himself, who is Jesus Christ our Lord.